Welcome to Mustang Books!

My name is Brandon Seyl. I'm a Dad, Author, and Mustang Officer.

I'm an ordinary person who truly believes this world has so much to offer you and I.

My goal with this website is to share my passions in my life. Those passions are serving as a military officer, helping others (people + animals), learning and exploring the radio waves, writing fictional stories, and traveling the world.

Throughout this site I promise, whether apparent or not, my purpose is to "Write a Better World". Whether that lies in the depths of our minds or in the reality of our finger tips.

Happy reading,


Digital Downloads

The Enchanting Firefly Who Lit Up the Night Coloring Book Link

To view the PDF file, click the link below:

The Enchanting Firefly Who Lit Up the Night

The Curious Turtle Who Flew to Space Coloring Book Link

To view the PDF file, click the link below:

The Curious Turtle Who Flew to Space